Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pilates is for everyone! No matter what your level of fitness, we specialize in creating a Pilates program for your current fitness level. Our clients range from young adults to seniors, self-described ‘couch potato’ first-timers to athletes. You do not need to be ‘in shape’ or already know how to ‘do Pilates’ to begin!

  • For most people, 2-3 sessions a week is optimal ( classes, privates or a combo). Once a week is fine — you will still benefit from Pilates but progress will be a bit slower.

  • Pilates is a low impact form of exercise, making it relatively safe for many people, but that does not necessarily mean it is easy! You will be challenged—in a friendly way—to activate less commonly used muscles and to perform movements in proper alignment. Every Pilates exercise is a whole-body, integrative, and functional movement and the focus is on quality of movement over quantity of reps. Pilates requires precision and concentration, and you will leave the studio feeling that both body and mind have had a workout!

  • Pilates is known to strengthen the ‘core’ or the inner corset of abdominal muscles, increase range of motion & flexibility, and improve balance. Many people experience a change in body shape and an increase in muscle strength with regular Pilates practice before they see a change on the bathroom scale. You will feel a difference —lighter, stronger, steadier, more centered and capable — sometimes after your first session, though sometimes it may take a bit longer, depending on your individual condition. Ultimately your results depend on a number of factors, including your goals and the amount of time you can devote to regular Pilates practice, as well as your age, nutrition, hormones, and stress level.